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Hartsdale Pet/Canine Cemetary P1

I have to say I was a lil bit anxious heading to Hartsdale - partly because it was a VERY (3 ft!!!) snowy January Morning and partly because I didn't know how upset I would be or how traumatised - lets be honest Im just like you guys - I know I might do cremation jewelery but at the end of the day Im the biggest ball of smoosh and anyone who has ever met me in life or at a show etc will completely know this!!

BUT I was overwhelmed - it was beautiful. It might have been the serene snow or the quiet calm as a result of the snow but either way - even though I couldn't initially get into hartsdale ( I went in the wrong way - which was in my opinion the front way!)  I was blown away by the beauty and tranquility of it all. Honestly I might bring my blog to there - as in I might write it FROM there from now on.....its hard sometimes to find a quiet spot between NYC and Dublin!

And so began my conversation with Edward Martin Senior.  A complete gentleman if ever I met one. So relaxed in my company I felt no inhibitions or eagerness to impress or interest in trying to ...well I don't know...what do people try to do?! Sell themselves or other things? I feel that is often the way in America..... :-(

I feel we fell into natural conversation with each other.

In 1896 A woman who owned some property - Emily Burset, a wealthy lady decided to allow her friends to bury their pets for a small fee. The Story goes that she contacts Dr Samuel Jackson and he referred other people to her. After 10/11 years he took it over and it became Hartsdale Canine Cemetary BUT the charter then dictated that ANY pet must be buried not just canine (thus making the name redundant).

As with ALL true historic moments there are TWO stories to every story.

Now here is STORY NUMBER 2 - A Vetinarian called Dr Samuel Johnson took care of animals when they were just used for physical labour. Unfortunately as with all living things, thy pass away and up to then most did not as “What happened to the body?” but one lady did. Never asked before – she kept enquiring and got told the truth – pets are put out with garbage can. Those who are probably reading to this point are horrifiied. Yup you and me both. My baby aint going in NO trash!!!! So in steps Dr Samuel Jackson.....

“Well I have a place in Westchester County” he said and so She buried the pet herself and then other people started asking could they do theirs. It made sense. It became a business as most opportunities do.....and so the story continues.....More next week!

Hartsdale Pet Cemetary

Jennifer Muldowney
Jennifer Muldowney


Hails from Dublin, Ireland. Pet Parent to Poppy and also Roxy who is currently hanging out at Rainbow Bridge <3 Innovative thinker, writer, talker. #Author 'Say Farewell, Your way'

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