Posted in cats, christmas, DIY, dogs, Dough, glass, glitter, ireland, memorial, memorial pack, Ornament, paw, paw print, pet funerals, pets, rainbow bridge poem, RainbowBridge, remembrance, Xmas
Ok so we make some pretty fabulous Christmas ornaments here at Rainbow Bridge Memorials BUT they are memorial items and we want you to celebrate your babies while they are still barking and purring at your feet right now so in honor of that and the upcoming Festive season here is a cool DIY Xmas Ornament you can do at home with your furry loved one!!
Dough Ornament Ingredients:
1 cup salt
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 cup water
Or ratio of 1 salt to 1 flour to half water ;-)
Parchment paper or aluminium foil or just something unsticky! ;-)
A pen or pencil or general poking device for punching a hole - we're so tech here!
Mix the salt, flour, water in a bowl until it becomes firm. Knead the dough for 30 seconds and then cut individual circles with a Glass or Cup or if you're very fancy - a shape cutter!!! LOL
Now is the tricky part - hold your pet long enough to get the desired print!!!
Press your pet's paw into the dough and use the poking device to make a small hole at the top.
Bake at about 200 degrees in the oven for 2-3 hours or until completely dry and pray it doesn't crack!!
Once cool, paint the whole piece and then (suggestion!) Use a pretty (maybe red? or Green? ooh and even glitter!) to decorate the paw....
Another cool suggestion is to write the year and name with marker on the back (HINT: if you've painted a dark color, use a light sharpie like silver or white).
Annnnnd to prove you CAN be Martha Stewart - finish it off with a festive ribbon to hang on the tree! Voilà!! You ARE amazing and your furry one loves you even more ;-)
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Jennifer Muldowney
Hails from Dublin, Ireland. Pet Parent to Poppy and also Roxy who is currently hanging out at Rainbow Bridge <3 Innovative thinker, writer, talker. #Author 'Say Farewell, Your way'